Financial Planning
In today's increasingly complex financial world the need for comprehensive financial planning is crucial.
Our clients are likely to be earning a high salary which not only allows for a high standard of living but also generates a financial surplus. Investing capital offshore will give a higher growth potential coupled with the opportunity to reduce any tax liability. It will also provide the means to maintain a high standard of living in the future.
However a surprising fact is that comparatively few people really appreciate the need for some form of personal financial planning. Experience has shown that some individuals tend to neglect their financial affairs and defer essential decisions until it is too late. Others just do not have the time to study the many sophisticated financial instruments available to the potential investor.

Recent global events in both the political and financial worlds offer many examples of the sensitivity of the stock and money markets to socio-economic forces beyond the control of the individual. It is therefore vital that financial planning is placed in the hands of experts. An individual's finances must be viewed as a cohesive whole, with each investment forming part of an overall strategy specifically designed and actively managed to meet specific needs. Regency Asset Management Ltd is equipped to provide this specialist service.
E-mail us for further information :
Regency Asset Management Ltd
Praha City Center
Klimentska 46
110 02 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 2185 2012
Fax: +420 2 2185 2052