The mortgage market is wide and complex, particularly when viewed internationally. The most efficient solution will vary from client to client and will be dictated by considerations such as interest rates, currency of income, tax efficiency and the need for flexibility. Loans are available which can be denominated in any one of a large number of international currencies and can include currency switching options. The borrower can take advantage of favourable movements in exchange and interest rates. This gives the potential to reduce the capital debt, in terms of the client's base currency or to reduce the interest payments.

Regency is able to advise clients on the most appropriate scheme and can provide monitoring of performance.
E-mail us for further information :
Regency Asset Management Ltd
Praha City Center
Klimentska 46
110 02 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 2185 2012
Fax: +420 2 2185 2052