Regular Savings

Probably the most effective way of building up capital is by saving money on a regular basis.

A variety of different tailor-made schemes is available, administered from such jurisdictions as the Channel Islands, Bermuda, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands or Dublin to name a few. These offer excellent growth potential as well as investor security, confidentiality and often significant tax savings. It is possible to have a very high degree of flexibility and access a wide range of investments, usually with free switching facilities, enabling the client to adjust contribution levels and investment strategy as required.

Our consultants will advise on the structure of these schemes and will discuss those which are suited to the clients' personal financial requirements.

E-mail us for further information :
Regency Asset Management Ltd
Praha City Center
Klimentska 46
110 02 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 2185 2012
Fax: +420 2 2185 2052